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17 de Abril, 2012 · General

Tera Gold Really Have Resolved not Playing Adventure

In you to complete your mission that part of Tera Gold, and don't leave to wait until everyone in the team to finish the task. For example: each team member must collect five items. You to collect the five pieces but some members in the team collected no. Once you leave immediately after collected and not help the rest of the team members, or continues to collect before leaving the didn't get their license, is very impolite. If you leave, people will think you are just using them to complete the task, in you to gain it immediately after left them.If you get a thing you can't use items, but other members of the team can use, you should make it to the teammates. For example, you get a very good scepter, but you are a soldier. Of course you can sell it to change some money, but if the group has a scepter use mage, you should put a scepter to him. That includes professional skills of materials and components items. Remember in your team members to the captain of the team or ask the rules, and if you get something that you can't use items and refused to give those who truly need it players, it is quite possible that conflict can use a keyboard and controller together without Tera Gold . Actions must still be bound to the appropriate devices but each action has two binding options which allows for a seamless transition between the keyboard and controller. Although you can bind quick chat to your controller We can provide power level service by our privately owned staffs, no business commissions, that's cheaper. All staffs work on shift, that's why we can provide 7X24 power level service, the fastest leveling progress is our advantage.
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publicado por wallacely a las 23:04 · 1 Comentario  ·  Recomendar
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